Kenna is sick. :( Turns out the little bug I had over the weekend has made its way to her. My poor baby. She has just not moved from the couch all morning. I hope it is short-lived.
I feel so loved. LOL Not really, but I am so tired of my phone ringing and people asking "Are you still pregnant?" "Haven't you had that baby yet?" "How are you feeling?" Okay, people. I love you very much for being concerned about me, but I promise I will let you know if I end up with a baby on the
outside of my body anytime in the near future.
And, I am jumping on the bandwagon and am going to throw in my two cents about the mess on the gulf coast. And I can because, it
is my blog, right? ;) I have read and heard people comment over the past week about how everyone needs to stop blaming our President for the disaster in the south. After all, "he didn't personally cause the hurricane." Well, no kidding. As much as I agree that now is not the time for the blame game, at some point
someone is going to be held accountable. I am with the many people who feel that this whole relief/rescue effort has certainly not been up to par. The storm was predicted. We knew it was coming. Why was there not a better effort made to get these people the heck out of there? And, why was aid (food, rescuers, meds, etc.) not being prepared and ready to go the minute the rain subsided? I guess the powers that be thought thousands of people could tough it out for a couple of days? HELLO???? Do I think this all lies on the president's shoulders? Not necessarily. Although, those that know me well know that George Bush would pretty much have to walk on water to impress me. I am very cynical when it comes to the current administration. I do believe that the head of FEMA will have to answer some questions when things are under control. I saw two interviews with homeless families last night on television. These poor people are searching for anyone affiliated with FEMA. WTF? A week after this tragedy and people have to search for help. Good grief. The city of New Orleans had a drill for this type of disaster not that long ago and they failed it miserably. So, I am guessing they should have been working on better strategies as well. I just hope that this is a huge wake up call and that Americans learn from the mistakes that have been made in dealing with this mess. I fear that when the water is under control we will find that we haven't even seen the worst of it.
Off to tend to my little one.