Tuesday, September 06, 2005
That is how I feel. Just not feeling very social or upbeat today. I had a terrible weekend. I thought I was either in labor or had a stomach bug. Guess it was the latter because I am still severly pregnant. LOL I have a doctor's appt. today that I need to reschedule as it turns out. Hopefully, I can just sneak in earlier or tomorrow. I really am anxious to find out how things are going down there. ;)

Today is my daughter's first day of first grade. I can't believe how big she is. I think I must be the strangest parent because it seems that every first day of school, every birthday,etc., I get so sad. ARG. Make her stop growing, PUH-LEEZE! I am waiting to wake her up in a bit to get ready. I will post a pic later on. It was such an ordeal picking out our "first day outfit." ;)

My brother called the day before yesterday from Virginia. Apparently, I thought he was flying to New Orleans, but he is driving one of those big trucks full of supplies in a convoy. Two days and they only got as far as VA from PA? I don't really get that, but whatever. I haven't heard from him since, I would assume he is there by now. I just hope he stays safe and that many people are benefitting from the supplies on that truck.
Blogger Kendra said...
Hope that things go well on her first big day! I'll keep your brother in my thoughts and prayers too! I also hope that you've made lots of progress at your appointment tomorrow and they can get things moving a bit ;)