He left about a half an hour ago for Louisiana. Turns out his "easy way to pay for college" isn't turning out to be so easy. In two years he has been away from home more than he has been here at school. First Kosovo and now to the disaster down south. I knew the second that he signed on for the National Guard that I wanted to strangle him. I just worry so much. I think he is very naive about what he is about to witness down there. Yeah, it could be worse. He could be in Iraq. Thank God he isn't and I pray he never will have to be. When he called me yesterday to tell me he had to leave, he said to me "It's just water, Heather. Could be so much worse." What a moron. I told him to turn on the news and call me later. Obviously, he hadn't been following the coverage. Looters, gun fire, disease, water moccosins, dead bodies lying around, etc. Not "just water." He will be there for a minimum of 30 days. Wonderful. I just pray he is kept safe.
What really stinks is that he just moved into his dorm room this past weekend to begin his fall semester of college. The army called and gave him less than 24 hours notice. He had to completely withdraw from the semester. His girlfriend will have to repack up his room to get his stuff out of there. And, get this....he doesn't even know where in the entire state of Louisiana he will be. They really gave him next to no details what-so-ever. Of course, he may be able to call home until the battery on his cell runs dead, then who knows when we will hear from him.
I can't take the stress. I think I will probably break my children's fingers if they think of signing up to join the military in any capacity. LOL