Monday, January 02, 2006
What are your resolutions?

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet monkey

2) Eat more Cheetos

3) Travel to Costa Rica

4) Study rare insects

5) Get in shape with roller derby

Ummm, not even close. My real resolutions are:
1. Eat more vegetables (another way of saying "lose weight").

2. Manage my time more effeciently so that I can spend more time doing fun projects with my girls.

3. Make more money and spend it wisely.
Blogger cappy said...
Hi Heather, TY TY TY for the wonderful posts on our blog, Ya Sweetie. You have an amazing talent for photography. AND...have you considered sending some pics you've taken of your beautiful girls to Kodak's modeling section? Migosh, you should!
News Year Resolution. I'm going to try to push through finishing projects that I've started, gotten frustrated or 'scared' in the middle of,then I just let them sit there to think about what they've done to make my life more miserable, until they decide to go easy on me the next time I pick them up. When I conquer that 'resolution', I'll move on to another. Not sure what it might be, but will find out when I get the first one done. Hope I get that first one accomplished by next New Year's Eve. Hugs, Peggy