I am realizing that when it comes to parenting, I just must not be the norm. I have really been thinking about this lately. It is so hard for me to deal with the way some of these kids behave, and I can't believe how the parents deal(or not) with their behavior. I feel like I get these kids on Monday, and by Friday they are trained. By the time they spend a whole weekend with their parents, it is all kabolished and I have to start over. LOL
For example, I have this two year old little girl who is a gorgeous child, but who is a royal terror alot of the time. Now, maybe I have just been lucky with my children (Avery could prove me wrong yet), but I have never had to endure a tantrum. Kenna started banging her feet on the floor
one time not too long ago (she saw this other girl doing it) and the look of I gave her put an end to that in a hurry. She has yet to do it again, thank goodness. Looking at this other child funny will promptly put her into a rage. She will just drop to the floor kicking and screaming in this high pitched awful scream that I swear sometimes would make dogs howl. And, her mother totally coddles her when she does it. Drives me bonkers. Doesn't she know that is the child's intention? And, if she wants something, she whines and cries for it right off the bat instead of just asking. The mom puts up with that too. That is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to kids. I am really working hard trying to teach this kid to just stand up and ask for what she wants instead of making a huge production out of wanting a sippy of milk. Goodness sakes. But, like I said...the weekend rolls around and all my work is backtracked. I swear, 85% of the time this kid is whining or screaming. I feel badly for the other kids that they have to listen to it all the time. And, quite honestly--the kid is starting to suck the life force out of me. I mean, I can handle two three-month old babies, a three year old, two 7 year olds, a 6 year old, and and 8 year old all at the same time. No problem. But this kid is just draining me. I am wondering if it is worth it.
And, speaking of the 6 and 8 year olds. Both boys (brothers). They are pretty good for me most of the time. But,the minute their mom gets here it becomes apparent that she puts up with alot. They are so disrespectful toward her. The way these kids treat their mom is horrid. Stuff I would never ever tolerate. What is up with these parents?
My kids are far from angelic, but the more I am around other peoples' kids, the more I am convinced my husband and I are doing something right. Which is good, because I am still afraid sometimes that I am screwing them up somehow. I hope they make it to adulthood and never need therapy to undo my parenting. LOL