Well, sort of. We had Avery with us. Also, the husband says if there is no "nookie" afterwards, it isn't considered a whole (married) date. ;) It was the annual holstein meeting and C.K. is one of the directors, so we couldn't really get out of it. It was held at my favorite restaurant too, so I was excited that I got to eat a great meal, not have all three kids hanging on me, and dress up a bit. I wore my black pants that make me feel skinny, so all was well. The only thing I cannot stand about those meetings are the guest speakers. *YAWN* Last night the topic was the advantages of "sexed semen." For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, dairy farmers with registered herds (and I am sure other farmers as well) deal with alot of artificial insemination. They are beginning to come up with ways to "spin" the semen when it is fresh to determine if the chromosomes are "y" or "x" chromosome. Of course the goal is to get heifer calves instead of bulls. Heifers are worth money. So, the speech was just about whether or not it is worth it or not to spend the money to sex the semen. Whoopee. I say don't mess with mother nature, but that is just my take on it. LOL I guess you have to be born and bred into farming to get excited about topics like that. I warned everyone sitting at our table that I may need an elbow in the ribs to keep me alive during that presentation. Avery was a big hit though. She was such a doll, never even fussed. Everyone just went nuts over her hair, as usual. I had tons of offers for people to hold her while I was at the salad bar and eating my meal. We never even left the restaraunt until 11, so by the time we got back into town to pick up the two big girls it was 11:30 and midnight before we were in bed. *Yawn again* That is a super late night for this chica who is usually dying to get in her jammies by 7:30 p.m.
So, that was my big night. We really live the party life here in cow land, don't we?