Friday, November 04, 2005
Maybe it isn't as silly as I had originally thought.
Get Roped Into Fitness

Having some trouble getting into exercise? Maybe the solution is to jump-start your fitness program--with a jump rope.

Edward Jackowski, author of Hold It! You're Exercising Wrong, says a jump rope is the best fitness investment you can make. It is inexpensive and can be used almost anywhere. Jackowski claims 10 minutes of high intensity jumping provides the equivalent workout of running 30 minutes--with about half as much impact on joints. Jumping rope can burn between 600 and 1,000 calories an hour; strengthen and tone all major muscle groups; and improve coordination, balance, agility, timing, and hand-eye coordination.

"Running does not do that," Jackowski says. "We put jump ropes in runners' hands and-pffft--they die."

He recommends jumping on hardwood floors that "give," rather than on concrete. Also, jump to music. Wear cross-training shoes and use a plastic or vinyl rope. After a quick warm-up, including stretching your calves, do the basic two-feet-together jumping at about 100 revolutions per minute. You need to jump only an inch or so off the floor.

Starting out, just jump far a minute or two--you'll find that's plenty. As you progress, your jumping can get as fancy as you like, but try moving feet from side to side or forward and backward as you jump for an extra workout. As you progress, your jumping can get as fancy as you like, but try moving feet from side to side or forward and backward as you jump for an extra workout.
Blogger Heather said...
That doesn't seem like a bad idea at all! You may even suck me onto the jump rope bandwagon - but only if I can find a super-heavy-duty sports bra first. ;)

Did you show that article to CK? :)