Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Are you an "emotional eater?"
I am. :(

I am so disapointed in myself. I have been doing really well watching what I have been eating. Well, today has been a difficult day. My heart is heavy, because I am worrying about my kids for various reasons. So, of course I have been stuffing my face all day. UGH. I wish I was one of those people who couldn't eat when they are stressed. No such luck.

I seriously wonder if my children will need therapy when they are grown because I have f$#cked up so badly. Especially Jaycie. She is my first, therefore the guinea pig in a sense. Right now, she is going through this defiant, mouthy phase. Really, it is just quite exhausting. I am running out of ideas. The thing is that I know it will eventually get way worse before it gets better. She is the carbon copy of her mom, so the butting heads has really just begun. Of course, Kenna wants to be just like her big sister. So, she is picking up some not-so-great stuff from Jaycie. So, now I have two of them not listening and mouthing off. Wonderful. The teenage years ought to be a real trip. There will be so much estrogen flying around this house, it frightens me. My poor husband.
Blogger Dana said...
Ack!! I really try not to think about the teenage years. LOL I'm sorry you are having a rough time with her. I hope it gets better soon.

You and the girls are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure they are both just fine. :heart


Blogger sarahbobeara said...
she better be good, not only xmas but her birthday is soon!

how about making her earn her birthday party? like a daily chart where if she was decently behaved she gets a star and she has to have 75% of the stars til the week before her birthday to get her party?

i'm big into charts ;)

hope it improves. good thing CK has a lot of places to escape to!

Blogger Kendra said...
Oh man, I'm such an emotional eater...even when the emotion is just bored! I figure I can just offer to pay for my kids therapy when they're older, I know I'm screwing up stuff already ;)