Good grief. I am such a moron.
We moved ten cows into the fairgrounds this morning. Then, I made a dozen trips back and forth to get things that C.K. had forgotten. I noticed a ton of wasps flying around our tent. That is not good at all because the last two times C.K. has been stung, he has been rushed to the hospital while his throat was swelling shut. So, in one of my dozen trips I made sure to grab an Epi-Pen for him just in case. Well, sure enough later on he got stung on his arm. So, I start panicking and jump up to get the epinephrine out of the cooler. In all the fuss, I somehow managed (don't ask me how) to inject myself in the thumb instead of him in the thigh. Of all the stupid things to do. Not only did I stick myself with it, but I also bent the needle and the stupid thing was stuck in my thumb. Blood was dripping everywhere and all the while his arm was swelling like crazy. So, off to the hospital we both go. I am sure someday we will laugh about it, but for now, my thumb is throbbing and the rest of my hand loses feeling off and on and his arm is pretty sore as well. Couple of gems we are.