for every one of the following things I say (to my own children) a gazillion times a day, I would not have to work.
1. Please do not raise your voice, remember indoor vs. outdoor voices.
2. Jaycie, do not pick up Kenna or any other little one. You will hurt yourself, them, or both.
3. Do not tease your sister.
4. Get your finger out of your nose.
5. Please move back, you are too close to the tv.
6. You need to clean up the mess you have out before you make another one.
7. In or out, and please close the door instead of letting all the cool air outside.
8. You do not need to have the last word, it is not necessary to argue.
I am sure there are more. Those are the ones I have said most today. GRRR. And, as I am typing this, Jaycie is giggling and Mackenna is screaming because she is being teased. Where is the Calgon when you need it?
I am so mad at myself. I drove the half hour to Walmart this afternoon and forgot to pick up my contacts while I was there. ARG. Now, I will either have to make a special trip or wait over a week to get them. I also went against my better judgement and bought sweet corn at Walmart instead of driving an extra 5 minutes and buying it at the farmers stand. While I was husking it, it became evident that 3 of the 8 ears were half rotten. They were moldy inside. Not pleased with Walmart today at all. Oh, and can I ever go there without spending at least $100? Wait, I did. I only spent $99.02. (rolling eyes) I swear, I only got what was on the list too. I don't think it is possible for me to go in there and come out with any money left. LOL
I'm sorry too. That just sucks Heather.
Oh and i find myself saying the same things over and over as well. Ugh! : )