So tired, but can't seem to sleep. The girls are in bed, husband is asleep, laundry is done, dishwasher is running, etc. Nothing left to do but ramble, I guess. We are driving two hours to meet my parents for lunch and a visit for the day tomorrow. I love, love, love my family. I was so heartbroken when we moved away from my hometown. Now, though, I love having the distance. Does that sound awful? I just hate having to drive long to spend time with them. LOL Was much easier to visit before.
Something has been on my mind lately. Is there something wrong with me because I just do not feel as "spiritual" as those around me. Yes, I believe in God and there is a part of me that feels guilty for not making a better effort to teach my children about such things. BUT, for the most part--I just get creeped out by all that mumbo jumbo. :anon My 15 year old sister has decided that she wants to go to a Christian college and become a minister. My first thought when she told me was, "Oh boy, I sure hope she grows out of that." :anon again Ay yi yi. I know there could be much worse occupations she could choose, but for some reason, I get so turned off by the very thought. I really need to figure out where I stand with all of this religion stuff. LOL